Crystal Grids

What on earth is a crystal grid? A crystal grid is to me the art of places stones in a geometric pattern specifically to direct energy to a goal. You then charge them with you own energy and intentions. Grids can sometimes be more powerful than just a single stone or crystal. A crystal grid can be used for a wide variety of things including but not limited to; clearing, protection, charging, and for specific goals. The combinations are endless when it comes to gridding. There are two was you can go about placing your crystals. You can either use a pattern or your intuition. You will place your stones clockwise on all grids. I used my intuition for the first few and decided I wanted to do some research. Today I will introduce you to a few different styles of grinding and show you what they look like. I recommend starting off like I did get to know yourself and use your intuition for practice because you can create your own special grid style.
Grid Styles 
1. The Square or Pyramid grid
As you may be able to tell this grid is a flat representation of a pyramid. It uses five main stones with one in each corner and one in the middle.
Uses: Works best to enhance programs and intentions regarding  long term plans, healing, relationships, earth healing, and environmental work.
2. The six sided grid or Th Star of Solomon grid 

This is the most popular of all the grids. You will start with one center stone then add six crystals or stones at each point. This grid is best used with links coming from center stone pointing outward (but can be used without links).
Uses: To create or hold programs, affirmations, the thought forms for manifestation processes,enhance communion with spiritual teachers, and Devine will or love
3. The relationship grid 
This grid pattern is used to help relationship issues in your life. You can place them to make two three stone triangles with all point towards a center. It acts as an energy transmitter or a to represent a specific issue or aspect being worked on. Most like to make in an infinite shape for love and relationship.
Preparing for your ritual 
A calm, quiet place will be the best place to perform. Dim lighting and a candle really helps the mood. Having an alter when performing any spell or ritual is your best bet. Most rituals will require you leaving your grid up for a certain amount of time. One way to help prepare your area is to smudge before performing. You can use a template when arranging your crystals, draw it and put the crystals right on top. You may also have a picture or item to help you focus your energy on. Place the item in the middle and build your grid around it. You can use other stones and plants as links. When uses any plant life remember to thank them for the sacrifice. When dealing with a grid you change daily (normally for healing) pick a center stone and change the others.
Energy grids will be powerful tools in your spiritual journey. While I have offered a few templates to this please use your intuition and creativity when making. Remember to always use good intentions when performing any spell or ritual.
Below are a few examples of grids I've made:

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