Spiritual Healing Types

The History 
Crystal healing is the art of using stones or crystals as an amplifier of spiritual energies during healing. For centuries crystals have been used for healing since the beginning of human-kind, things like amulets and talisman have been documented. In the first historical references of crystal use the Ancient Sumerians used with magic formulas. The Ancient Egyptians used crystals like clear quartz, lapis lazuli, carnelian, turquoise, and emerald in their jewelry. They also carved grave amulets out of these. They used the stones primarily for protection and health. Topaz and peridot were used to fight night terrors and purge evil spirits.
Types of Healing

  • Acupuncture/Acupressure

Acupuncture and acupressure are part of an ancient and sophisticated system of therapies based on a non-Western model of the body. They work to balance chi/ki/qi as it flows through the body's meridian system.

  • Brennan Healing Science®

Barbara Brennan is a well-known author and teacher of energy medicine with a well-established school in Florida.

  • Bioenergy Healing/Domancic Method

The Domancic Method of Bioenergy Healing offers a simple and structured approach. Focusing on empowering the immune system, it aims to jumpstart a person's own healing mechanisms, and affirms that it can help any condition.

  • Chakra Healing

Chakra healing is a general term for energy healing that works with the chakra system. The chakras are a key part of our energy system, so many types of energy healing incorporate some form of chakra work.

  • Donna Eden's Energy Medicine

Donna Eden is one of the world's most widely respected healers and a pioneer in bringing the methods of energy medicine to the public.

  • EFT

EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques®, is one of the easily learned, meridian-based types of energy healing. It combines needle-free acupuncture with mind-body medicine.

  • Energy-Focused Bodywork

The body is often overlooked as part of the energy system. However, everything is energy, and this means that the body is energy, too. All bodywork (massage) has an impact on your energy, but some kinds are intentional about it.

  • Healing Touch

Healing Touch (HT) came out of the licensed nursing community in the U.S. in the 1980s. There are many HT practitioners in the U.S., and the well-developed HT community holds them to high standards.

  • Laura Alden Kamm

Laura Alden Kamm is an expert in intuition, intuitive development, and using intuition for healing.

  • Polarity Therapy

Polarity Therapy, developed by Dr. Randolph Stone, DO, DC, ND (1890-1981), is based upon the energetic principles of attraction, repulsion and neutrality. Like many types of energy work, Polarity Therapy seeks to find blockages, release energy to normal flow patterns and maintain the bio-energetic field in an open, flexible state. PT can involve diet, exercise and self-awareness as well as energy-based bodywork that works with three main currents of energy.

  • Pranic Healing

Developed and taught by Master Choa Kok Sui, this kind of energy work uses prana or life energy to cure physical ailments. Its basic principle seem to be cleansing the body of "dirty" energy and replacing it with prana.

  • Quantum Touch®

Quantum Touch has a special focus on using the practitioner's breath to intensify the treatment. Practitioners cultivate their own energy and entrain the client's energy to this higher (healthier) level.

  • Reiki

Perhaps the most widely known form of energy work, Reiki is easy to learn and do, but can have powerful effects.


  • Shamanic Healing

Shamanic healers conduct energy from the spiritual realm, calling upon spiritual helpers such as power animals or other spiritual forces. Shamanic work is used to treat a range of emotional and physical illnesses.

  • ThetaHealing™

The ThetaHealing website describes this technique as focusing on thought and prayer, relying on God/Source to do the actual healing. As described by practitioner Donald Simon, the practitioner goes into a theta brain wave state (deep meditative), asks for assistance from God (or Source) and then witnesses the healing. ThetaHealing holds that instantaneous physical and emotional shifts are possible.
How to use crystals for healing
Every crystal has its own specific property and will change its quality for a specific healing need. Crystals influence your Chi by focusing at the energy centers. We know these centers as Chakras, meaning 'wheel of energy'. By strategically placing crystals on the area where a chakra is located will provide a boosted effect on our spiritual system.
Things to do before...
  • Cleansing your tools
You will want to cleanse your crystals and anything else you will be using in your healing sessions. Smudge and sage are both great for cleansing a room
  • . Ground yourself
You can use a multitude of things to help ground you, but the main goal is to achieve a fully calm/spiritually full self. Close your eyes and picture yourself being covered with a white light. While covered in this light you want to think about your intentions.Also charge tools being used
Prepare your area 
Having everything  you will need to perform your healing in one area is essential. You don't want to be scrambling for a crystal or hunting for a candle in the middle.
Place your crystals
If you are performing healing on a person or yourself you will want to either place along the chakras or in the main area of pain. Placing a stone dicectly on the problem spot will enhance focus on the specific area. If you choose to place along the chakras it will still have a powerful impact (maybe even more depending on energy flow. Always remember to use to intuition as well when finding you method.
Last but not least reguvinate. Never send out energy without refilling the tank. Do some grounding and cleansing to clear yourself of any negtive energy you've aquired. Treat your tools to a cleansing as well after healing. 

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