When we think of wealth or success, most think about the obstacles to achieve it.What we don't understand is that we are setting ourselves back from greatness. There is a Law of Attraction, which is something like the law of gravity, says that like attracts like. This means whatever you put out in this universe you get back. A lot of times we block ourselves from abundance that the universe has for us.
You can have any and everything you want in whether you serve a God or not. Each religion believes in the abundance or manifestation gifts of the universe. Like if you believe you will receive. We are th creators of this world. This world we call Earth is basically a incubator for our souls. Here we are to learn how to become the best version of ourselves spiritually, mentally, and physically. We make changes and creations in this world straight from the belly of the beast. One of the best ways to overcoming this worlds restrictions, you must change your relationship with universe. This can simply be done changing/fixing what you put out.
Step 1: Replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
The universe is a complex entity that runs off vibrations and energy. Whatever frequency you put out into the earth good or bad comes back to you. This is where you get the sayings "you reap what you sow", or "what goes around comes around". If you are always thinking negative thoughts you will attract negative things. It is very simple positive thoughts (no matter how uncomfortable it makes you feel) produce positive things. This is best ways to produce immediate change.
Step 2: Start a gratitude journal
When you tell someone thank you for something, you are in essence giving praise or kudos. The universe deserves to giving some love too. One of the best ways to give your props to the universe for everything you have is a gratitude journal. It is actually very simple, grab a notebook and start writing. Everyday you will thank the universe for everything in your life. "I am grateful for my job", is an example of what yours should look like. The more grateful you are, the more good that is produced in your life.
Step 3: Let go to gain more
When you have an area in your home get clutter it throws your off. As humans we just thrive for clear concise space. When you declutter your life you let go of baggage. You let go of things holding your back to make room for your transformation. Once you break those ties and let go of those things holding you back, you make room for more good to come your way.
Step 4: Know and understand what you want
One of the things they say that separates the millionaires or 1% of our society and us is the law of attraction. Knowing what you want to achieve is one of the first steps to this process. You must know what it is you want so that you can focus all your energy on achieving this goal. The universe takes this information and produces greatness. You must visualize it like it's already happen and show your gratitude.
Step 5: Walk the walk, and talk the talk
Last but not least you have to use the thought process of act,think,be. You must act and think abundance at all times. Every time you do, you are telling the universe you are ready. Be abundance, be prosperity, and it will manifest all throughout your life. Just from changes in your mindset your will produce much abunance in your life.
Step 1: Replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
The universe is a complex entity that runs off vibrations and energy. Whatever frequency you put out into the earth good or bad comes back to you. This is where you get the sayings "you reap what you sow", or "what goes around comes around". If you are always thinking negative thoughts you will attract negative things. It is very simple positive thoughts (no matter how uncomfortable it makes you feel) produce positive things. This is best ways to produce immediate change.
Step 2: Start a gratitude journal
When you tell someone thank you for something, you are in essence giving praise or kudos. The universe deserves to giving some love too. One of the best ways to give your props to the universe for everything you have is a gratitude journal. It is actually very simple, grab a notebook and start writing. Everyday you will thank the universe for everything in your life. "I am grateful for my job", is an example of what yours should look like. The more grateful you are, the more good that is produced in your life.
Step 3: Let go to gain more
When you have an area in your home get clutter it throws your off. As humans we just thrive for clear concise space. When you declutter your life you let go of baggage. You let go of things holding your back to make room for your transformation. Once you break those ties and let go of those things holding you back, you make room for more good to come your way.
Step 4: Know and understand what you want
One of the things they say that separates the millionaires or 1% of our society and us is the law of attraction. Knowing what you want to achieve is one of the first steps to this process. You must know what it is you want so that you can focus all your energy on achieving this goal. The universe takes this information and produces greatness. You must visualize it like it's already happen and show your gratitude.
Step 5: Walk the walk, and talk the talk
Last but not least you have to use the thought process of act,think,be. You must act and think abundance at all times. Every time you do, you are telling the universe you are ready. Be abundance, be prosperity, and it will manifest all throughout your life. Just from changes in your mindset your will produce much abunance in your life.
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