Accompanying us through life are our spirit guides or protectors.Everyone has a spirit guide who works in the unseen realms.Your spirit guide come in a number of form: a deceased relative,angels,archangel,ascended masters, gods/goddesses and the Holy Spirit, or even a soul you connected with through this journey. Spirit guides can change over our lifetime.The higher our vibratitonal levels the easier it is to reach even higher levels of consciousness.
Most think it is hard but your guides want to communicate with you. The reason most don't hear is due to them not taking the time to sit still and listen. One of the main reasons is because guides do not infringe upon our free will, they just wait to be called or needed. Knowing the names of your guides is not necessary.
One belief is that in our oneness our enlightened form we have things we need to learn to grow and to achieve our higher goal in the universe. Earth is the only place you can come and truly express your free will.The idea is that we sit with our spirit guides and comprise a "Road Map" or "Blueprint" of your life here on earth. This is what christian were taught just in a different light. Most were taught that God has a plan that, he has everything planned out, or he has my book of life. There is a blueprint but you had something to do with this which means your in control. Your spirit guide sits with you and you all go through eveverything from who your parents will be,your friends, your love, what you will do, you happiness and prosperity, your sadness, your sickness, everything. You have a purpose for all of this, we strategically plan so that we can learn something, we all have a reason for being here so pull from that.

Along the way we leave little nuggets, or reminders. This is what we understand here on Earth as Deja vu. Deja Vu is just you giving your self reminders, or wake up call to your soul to let you know you are right on track almost like a check point. Your spirit guides can come to you in a few different ways:
- Angel Numbers-seeing the same number or pattern, this is to let you know that they got your message and they have it in motion.
- Seeing Lights or Orbs-seeing sparkly, flashing light.
- Butterfly/Dragonfly/ Moth- These amazing beautiful creatures often represents a loved that has passed. It serves as a sign that they are happy, looked after, and are sending you well wishes.
- Music/Songs- You can have random songs pop into your head that seems to play on repeat often. This is to be a sign from your guides and often the song being played holds a special message that we need to pay attention to.Could also be a sign to just relax, enjoy and go with the flow.
- Hearing your name- Hearing your name called when no one is around- this is a sign from the angels that they are around and ready to hear all your wishes and desires. You need to look to the Divine to ask for what it is that you want and that your angels are ready and willing to help.
- Automatic Writing- This is the urge to pick up a pen in just start writing/typing. The message will carry a message that could be cryptic, another language or writing style. Try to write with the intention of allowing your guides to take over.
- Hearing high pitch ringing- Your spirit guides are and want you to pay very close attention to the present situation. Something might be happening around you or maybe you just said something important.
- Vivid or Reoccurring Dreams- You can have a very vivid dream, or the same over and over. If you have a dream like this it is better to write it down as soon as wake up so you do not forget. I recommend placing a dream journal beside your bed. They often feel like dream leaves, not much does content hold answers.
These are just some examples of a way you connect with your spirit guides. No ones is thesame it is unique to you. Try meditation and just purl asking. Ask for clarity and a closer connection, you should be able to decipher more clearly. Getting a closer connection to your spirit guides helps to learn about past lives and inturn your ture reason and purpose in this universe.
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