5 Mythical Creature that might actually exist

Mythical creatures have been recorded in our history for centuries. Some believe there real and just live in a different dimension than we do. Others don't believe at all. Today I will introduce you to 5 creatures we believe to be real in the metaphysical world.

1. Faries

God made faries to be the angels of nature. These are human like figure that very in size. Faries are here on earth to act as guides. Unlike angels faries have egos, which makes this sneaky and mischievous at times. Faries are very shy and will only show themselves who are pure of heart some say. During your spiritual journey you can call on the faries for assistance just remember they do not practice unconditional love like the angels so make sure your intentions are good.

2. Unicorns

Seen as one of the most respected animals of the spiritual realm we have the Unicorn. Unicorns have been seen as myth mostly all scholars. It's is a rare and very special thing to sight one. Spiritually they signify success. If you come across one of these amazingly beautiful creatures, know that blessings ans success will follow you everywhere you want to go. Unique possiblites are endless.

3. Elvs

These are the helpers of the universe. Elves are human like in the features and are not small in stature. These tricksters will appear when you need a wake up call. They come as a reminder to be light hearted and carefree. Some who is all work and no play may start to notice things coming up missing or just not where they left them. They will always remind you to be humble.

4. Dragons

Probably the most mysterious of the bunch we have dragons. Dragons at one point were said to for sure exist. It was said that they were forces to dwell in the mountains due to their dangerous habits. Some believe dragons are the protectors of portals to other dimensions. These days critics lean more to their non-existance. Seen as an amazing awakening force in ones life is the sighting of a dragon. If visited by one know you spiritual journey is right around the corner so be ready. This also refers directly to the crazy engines of kundalin.

5. Treefolk

These creatures are spirits that live in the fairy realm. It is said treemen/women actually can take human like shape and move a small distance from their tree. The spirit inhaibits a tree as like its soul in essence. In extreme situation they can uproot completely and almost float along the ground. Some Treefolk are said to be able to take human form. They will normally take the form of a women and only be in this form for about a week. Any longer and they will die. There are some not so friendly Treefolk that are normally male and come in groups of three. They will attract or kill anyone who harms there family. At the end of the day Treefolk are protectors and very wise souls. If you see a tree with roots above the ground or very interesting bark, or distinct knotholes say hello.

I hope this was a good intro for you into the mythical creature world! What do you think myth or reality?

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