5 healing crystals everyone should know about

In these times more and more people are starting to looking into alternative ways of healing. One of those ways is healing crystals. For centuries all over the world, healing crystals have been used in healing and growth in ones life (spiritual or personal). Healing crystals help you take your energy and focus it to increase your intent. Your intent is what you are trying to achieve. Whether you are looking for something for a sickness, illness, or positivity there is a crystal for everything I like to say.

When it comes to choosing your crystal you can do this in a few different ways:

-Sensing your crystals: You can place it in your hand or just hold your hand over it. Focus and feel the energy from the crystal. Positive vibes it's for you, negative vibes keep it moving.

-Go off of color: Sometimes when you are just getting into this metaphysical world it is easier to go with this method.  All you need to do is choose the colors that you feel at the moment.

-Choose by need: Choosing by need can be a good way for beginners as well. You can go to to your local metaphysical store, or just google it but you will need to do some research.(Look for crystals for_________) insert your intent here.

-Recieve as gift: This could be a friend or finding one outside at the lake or something but this is when the crystal is given to you or you find it. 

Now that you know a bit about finding you crystal lets introduce you to 5 healing crystals everyone should know about:

1.) Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is a crystal that amplifies your energy. It encourages clear thinking and purpose in your life. Great for healing and manifestation. This crystal will help you establish a strong connection with the spiritual world. This crystal can also be used to amplify other crystals as well. Clear quartz protects against negativity and attunes to your higher self and relieves pain. Used to clean, open, and align all chakras. Helps with heartburn, kidney problems, sleep issues, and toothaches. Also, clear quartz helps with emotionally with things like acceptance, friendship, harmony, stress reduction, and tension. There are spiritual benefits like higher consciousness, telepathy, and unity.

2.) Tiger's Eye 
Tigers eye is a good luck stone. If you are look in for abundance and wealth this is the stone. Tigers eye calms and maintains concentration. As acts as a powerful transformative stone. There are different colors of tigers eye as with other crysals. Red provides heart energy, gold is the Crown Chakra and the higher self and blue tames the Tigers eye brings with its peaceful, spiritual quality. Helps with the healing of broken bones and fractures. Lowers blood pressure and supports the heart and other orgsns.

3.) Citrine

Citrine is a spiritual cleansing stone. It also rejuvenates your soul essence. Use this crystal for self improvement and healing. This crystal would be great at work as well. It helps keep negative feeling or actions away. I like to see this crystal as a support, it is the new start stone. It gets it power from the sun, which makes them strong. Helps conquer with phobias and depression. Aids in treatment related to the urinary tract.  Also helps heal tyhroids, constipation, and nerves.

4.) Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is a protective. It will protect you from spiritual attacks and bad energy. If you are looking to just for a negative person or energy blocker, this stone is for you. Great stone for cleansing, harmonizing, and balance your chakras. Used to help strengthen the immune system and detoxify the body. Heals illnesses related to the lungs. Great for a grounding stone as well.

5.) Turqoise

Turquoise is what you call a master healing stone. This crystal will help communicate the truth while providing spiritual attuning along the way. If you are looking to grow your spiritual abilities this is a great stone to start with. This stone has a unique vibration that helps with people who are shy.Turquoise promotes self-realisation and assists creative problem solving.  It is a symbol of friendship, and stimulates romantic love. Also Turquoise promotes self-realisation and assists creative problem solving.  It is a symbol of friendship, and stimulates romantic love.

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