Auras And How To See

The Aura is a reflection of our "true nature" at any moment. Our society has  symbolism, stereotypes, superficial behavior, and habits running all through it. These traits are taught through education by people trying to control the flock. Our True Nature is what is left when we shed all these things, to become fully conscious, truly natural and spontaneous. Sometimes the only way to see someones true nature behind stereotypical facades is to read their aura. The aura surrounds the entire body but the colors only apply to the head area. Once you are good at seeing auras you will be able to gather your own understandings of what you see. 
How to see auras
Your aura is basically your energy on steroids. It is your essance/oneness. Everything has and aura and here is how you can start trying.  

Always remember to use your intuition and creativity but below I have provided  and insight to the colors and what they mean when you read them.

Aura Color Meanings
  • These colors represent the source of all energies. Relates to heart. It is also a color of wealth tangible or intangible. They signify spiritual thoughts but are never the strong point of the aura. These colors are the final evolution of the soul merging into cosmic consciousness.  Only appears as temporary "clouds or flames". This color can also be of someone seeking something in life. Purple indicates truly spiritual thoughts, Violet indicates spiritual wisdom, and Indigo indicates spiritual learning and growth.
2. Yellow Green/Light Green/Dark or Muddy Green
  • Represents highly creative and hard working people. They strive for success at all times. A person having a green aura is a healer normally in fields such as gardening, cooking, or home decor. Very successful business person who can produce much wealth and prosperity. Growth and balance can flow throughout. also a love for people, animals, and nature. Yellow green communication, heart, and creativity; light green is a healer, loving person;Muddy forest is a person lacking responsibility, sensitive to criticism.
3. Yellow/Gold 
  • Relates to spleen and life energy, this is the color of inspiration, intelligence, and awakening. These people are very hard workers. Very happy on their own, so they don't get loneliness. Brilliant communicators, that will get there idea across and inspire others. They will put there head over their heart when it comes to difficult situations. An unorthodox person with unusual interesting ideas. With yellow as their predominate aura they are overly critical of themselves and others. Light yellow, psychic and spiritual awareness, hopefulness, positive; Bright Yellow,fear of losing control, power struggles; Clear Metallic Gold,spiritually activated, inspirational awakening; Muddy Yellow Gold, fatigue and stress fro trying to study or trying to learn everything at once.
4. Red/Pink
  • The heart and the physical body is what red pertains to. People with this hue are enthusiastic and energetic. The mantra of the Red Aura color individual is “I’ll try anything once.” Because of their devil-may-care approach to life they often find themselves in hot water.Red Aura people are quick to anger and can lose their temper over the slightest thing. But on the upside they are generous with their time and energy when called upon for help. Dark red, willed grounded;Clear Red, powerful and passionate;Orange red, confidence;Bright Pink, artistic, sensitive;Dark Muddy pink,dishonesty, immature.
5.Blue/ Turquoise 
  • Master communicators of this world they have the ability convey thoughts, idea, views, etc...... Highly intelligent and intuitive. Normally peacemakers, writer, poet even politicians.Blue, caring,loving,intuitive;Turquoise, compassionate, healer.
  • Light brown is confusion and discouragement. There is a lack of confidence in oneself. Dark brown indicates selfiness, and depression
6. Black
  • This Aura indicates negatively,major illness or depression and always bad sign.

This is just a small intro to the world of Auras. Reading an aura is your best way to truly learn someone's personality and room for growth. 

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