For centuries there has been controversy over the many topics. Religion and spirituality are always one of those hot topics. There has been a recent shift in our understanding of things and isn't changing anytime soon. Today I'm going to simple layout the facts. Let's just lay it all out there and we will see what we get.
Okay so let's start with the first level here religion. The Webster dictionary states 4 definitions for the word religion:
1. the service and worship of God or the supernatural: commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2. a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3. archaic : scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness
4. a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
Now looking at this, the actual definitions of religion, what do you gather? To me, it starts with a few red flags... Institutionalized, conformity, andconscientiousness. These are big words, but that's not what the problem is, the problem is what is done with the words and what they mean. Religion in America stems from Europe, The Roman Catholic Church and The Church of England. America was founded because, in the late 1400s, Europeans fled England, where they had been oppressed and forced to follow beliefs such as state-affiliated Churches. These refugees were the forefathers of this "great" country. When they organized "New England" it was to be built with a separation of church and state, allowing one to have the freedom of religious choice. This is what everyone knows as The First Amendment to the Constitution. The only problem with this is that they were recreating the same style system just changed the main goal. They wanted to make a place where people were free to practice what they wanted but in the process they made a structure that recommended, supported, and appropriated a specific belief. What was that story you ask, The story of Jesus Christ?
The story of Jesus came to them in the form of kings James Version of The Bible, which came from the Catholic bible. Before the uprise of Christianity, it was illegal to practice any other religion. In the first 3 centuries of the Christian era, that changed, and it was only illegal to practice Christianity. The Kings James Version of the Bible is a revision of the others. In 1611 King James had the American version of the Bible made. For 400 years this became main bible being used. The Catholics did not except this version of the doctrine. To this day the Catholic church uses The New American Bible during mass. Now, why were the Catholics so against this version? Like the Protestant Bible, the Kings James Version leaves out the Deuterocanonical books of the original Cannon. The main thing to understand is that it's all about your journey. There are over 50 different versions of the bible. There are specific things that are different from version to version.
There are many other religions out there. Each religion has its own book/belief system. The interesting thing is that the same stories are told from group to group. Every religion has a savor that came for their salvation or to teach them great things. The same story has been created time and time again for different people. The Egyptians had Ra and Horus, The Greeks had Zeus and His Brothers, The Africans have Olorun or Ogo, and The Indians have Shiva to name a few. Religion seems to be just a structure of control because there are several groups that follow a different path, a more spiritual road you may say.
On to level 2 now spirituality. Now, first let's get something understood, spiritual means:
1. Of; relating to; consisting of, or affecting the spirit.
2. Of or relating to sacred matters
3. Concerned with religious matters
4. Of or relating to supernatural beings
Many cultures use spirituality instead of religion in their lives. What this means is there are no churches you go to have communion and give money. Spiritually you are to go on a life journey to elevate yourself past our human levels of understanding. In a lot of the spiritual practices, it starts with self. You must look within to reach a high enough vibrational level to elevate the power of the mind over the physical strength of the body. Now let's get one thing straight, there are people out think being spiritual means "ANTI-CHRIST". Being spiritual does not mean you do not believe in a God/ Creator either. To me, spiritual is the understanding and acceptance of the spirit.
Spiritual but not Religous (SBNR) is a
phrase used to self-identify a life stance of spirituality. A person who is Spiritually and not religious, have a different take on life. In spirituality your connection with this earth, that was made specifically for us, is key. Everyone must go on a spiritual quest in life to elevate to their highest vibrational level. Spiritual growth comes through your connection with the universe and nature. We have things made by the earth that can help heal and treat us like healing crystals. You must almost go seek what you can not understand. This quest will be a journey of the soul and is to allow it transform. The process will break down some beliefs to build them back up. Every human has their own spirit with their own situations. When you look at you daughter and son see a soul, not this human form. They have their own mission that you have been sent to accommodate. You must remember that you have your own mission as well. Spirituality is to me the process of you taking a journey and reaching a higher soul level. Through meditation and spiritual discipline, you can grow beyond this physical realms form. The Earth has everything we need for this journey. She was made for us to grow and learn from but this idea has been taken away from.
A great example of spiritual growth is just in general soul-searching. You might notice your questioning things or be wanting a difference in your life. As humans we are programmed to seek advancement in life, to reach a higher level of oneness.
You can not say you truly believing something until studied it. At the end of the day what we have to understand the facts. Stop believing what you've been told and get out there, find your own truth.
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