Your goddess personality is expressed through the energy of the sun, moon, and planets. At the moment of your birth your soul's purpose and personal path of power was directed at through your sun sign. Each date is approx. When we turn into our natural essence as women our inner goddess appears. The Goddess in you needs to be nurtured and grown. Today we will talk about your natural zodiac goddess and a little bit about her.
Aries Goddess
March 22-April 19
Key Traits
- Dynamic
- Assertive
- Courageous
- Pioneering
The planet of action and primal energy is Mars. This is your ruling planet. You have a somewhat forceful or aggressive way of doing things. You will in turn conquer everything you put your mind to. The planet Mars is known as The Warrior Goddess. You are a natural leader and have an almost combative nature. You are immensely affected by Mars' changes about every 40 days. This change can affect things like motivation and life direction. Your self esteem will be challenged. Try not to let your soul suffer during these times.
Natural Element: Fire🔥
Active, creative, expressive, and self assertive.
Compatibility: Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius and Libra.
Healing Crystals: Garnet, Staurolite, and Herkimer.
Taurus Goddess:
April 20- May 20
Key Traits
- Patient
- Affectionate
- Pratical
- Self Reliance
The Morning Star of the galaxy. Taurus is ruled by our sister planet Venus. For most of the year you can see her in all of her glory at sunrise. Venus is your emotional nature. You have natural charm and attractiveness that if almost hypnotizing. Security is something you long for, this will lead you into permeate relationships all the time so be careful not to settle. You have and excellent business sense and a nose for luxury. Just know that every 30 days Venus travel through each sign causing you specific issues with love, money, and all around happiness.
Natural Element: Earth 🌎
Practical, Stable, Patient, and Passive
Compatibility: Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio.
Healing Crystals: Malachite, Azurite, and Chrysacolla.
Gemini Goddess:
May 21- June 22
Key Traits
- Innovative
- Congenial
- Humorous
- Adapatable
Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Travel and communication are symbolic of the messenger goddess. Mercury reflects the Suns light and enlightens the consciousness of the universe. You are a natural psychologist and mediator, others respect you. Writing, speaking, and education is how you express yourself. There is tremendous power in your spiritual abilities. With spiritual growth you may notice you slip into altered states of consciousness, astral traveling, and even channeling you spirit guides at will. Understand Mercury travels erratically throughout all the signs annually, your life situations will be greatly influenced by these changes.
Natural Element: Air ☁
Intellectual, Flexible, Multi-talented, and Witty.
Compatibility: Libra, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
Healing Crystals: Dendritic Quartz, Citrine, and Muldavite (Tektite)
Cancer Goddess
June 23- July 22
Key Traits
- Creative
- Intuitive
- Sensitive
- Social
The Cancer Goddess is ruled by the moon and is known as the Lunar Goddess. No one in the galaxy can match your immense sensitivity and intuitive abilities. With spiritual growth you could have strong premonitions and very accurate telepathy. With this being a very valuable tool always remember to use it wisely and with discretion. Find comfort in relying on your intuition or your gut because she is always right. Your nurturing and sensitive nature will be express positively through a settled home and family. Share your greatness with the community they could us someone like you. Your temperament may change every two days or seven days when the moon enters another sign or new phase.
Natural Energy: Water 🌊
Sensitive, Intuitive, Secretive, and Emotional.
Compatibility: Scorpio, Intuitive, Secretive, and Emotional.
Healing Crystals: Coral, Pearl, and Moonstone.
Leo Goddess
July 23- August 22
Key Traits
- Dignified
- Dramatic
- Generous
- Ambitious
Your personal power comes from the sun. The sun is symbolic of the Solar Goddess. You express your conscious self through the ego and this build your your personality. The good and bad in your life go along with the sun cycles. You are a marked to be a great leader. You will relate and nurture children and teenagers. You love to love and love hard. The Sun travels through another sign every 30 days and makes a complete cycle yearly. Notice you will be challenged around this time so stay strong.
Natural Element: Fire🔥
Compatibility: Scorpio, Pieces, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Healing Crystals: Topaz, Ruby, and Amber
Virgo Goddess
August 23- September 22
Key Traits
- Dependable
- Analytical
- Sincere
- Humanitarian
Mercury is your ruling planet. This is symbolic of the Messenger Goddess. As mercury travels around the Sun faster than ever, it reflects intense radiance. You are very analytical and critical in mind. When it comes to your mental health and abilities to solve problem be careful or mindful of your decision. You are like a filing cabients, saving all that info is great, but you end up being a perfectionist along the way. Its okay to take pride in what you do, and do it to the fullest. Due to Mecurys interesting travel path, you will see a variety of unexpected changes as it passes through the other signs.
Natural Element: Earth 🌎
Discernment, Modesty, Analytical, and Service Oriented.
Compatibility: Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Pieces
Healing Crystals: Botswana Agate, Rose Quartz, Sapphire
Libra Goddess
September 23- October 23
Key Traits
- Charming
- Honorable
- Refined
- Peace loving
Natural Element: Air ☁
Diplomatic, Romantic, Harmonious, and Peace-loving.
Compatibility: Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, Sagittarius, Aries
Healing Crystals: Jade, Rhodochrosite, Emerald
Scorpio Goddess
October 24- November 22
Key Traits
- Penetrating Vision
- Magnetic appeal
- Resourcefulness
- Determination
Pluto is your ruling planet. The Mystery Goddess of the cosmos, it is symbolic of secret power. You have a deep desire to get things done asap and to have full control. As they say, "what comes to the light", Pluto brings to light your emotional or hidden matters to the surface. When Pluto enters your sign be prepared for a ride. Use your inner personal power to initiate profound changes in your lifestyle.
Natural Element: Water🌊
Persistent, Forceful, Regenerative, Intense
Compatibility: Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus
Healing Crystals: Watermelon Tourmaline, Labradorite, Alexandrite
Sagittarius Goddess
November 23- December 22
Key Traits
- Optimistic
- Freedom Loving
- Broad minded
- Prophetic
With Jutiper as the largest planet in our solor systen, it is symbolic of the Fairy Goddess. You are ruled by Jupiter, which is, benevolence and expansive. Travel and philosophy intrigue and are the basis to your journey. If you are spiritually develop, your dreams and intuitive skills will be occasionally prophetic. You are an honorable teacher and leader. Every 1-2 years to travel through one sign so these will be times for miracles or special oppritunities.
Natural Element: Fire🔥
Aspiring, Expansive, Optimistic, Versatile.
Compatibility: Aries, Leo, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini
Healing Crystals: Turquoise, Rubellite, Sugilite
Capricorn Goddess
December 23- January 19
Key Traits
- Trustworthy
- Hard Working
- Conventional
- Serious
With Saturn as your ruler planet you are the only planet with special ring around you. Saturn is symbolic of the High Priestess, Comander of material power, and leader of earth. It is hard for you to get the natural flow of life due to constriction and concentration of the mind. When spiritual abilities are developed, you can manifest any earthly dream imaginable. Stay driven just remember, no burn out!!
Every 2 years Saturn travels through a zodiac sign, which will influence stability, responsibility, and spiritual lessons.
Natural Element: Earth 🌎
Efficient, Persistent, Prudent, Ambitious
Compatibility: Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer
Healing Crystals: Smoky Quartz, Onyx, Fire Agate
Aquarius Goddess
January 20- February 18
Key Traits
- Original
- Independent
- Progressive
- Altruistic
As the sun
Awakened and Revolutionst as your ruling planet is always fun . Uranus is symbolic of the Universal Goddess. You are very sociable with awareness groups and organizations. Freedom and equally for all is your goal. You are an humanitarian, who is intellectually creative and ready to receive. Your understanding of global concepts could help the resolution. Every 5 years Uranus travels through zodiac signs, and makes unexpected and extremely new changes.
Natural Element: Air ☁
Original, Independent, Progressive, Revolutionary
Compatibility: Gemini, Libra, Aries, Sagittarius, Leo
Healing Crystals: Aquamarine, Lapis Luzuli, Celesite
Pisces Goddess
February 19- March 20
Key traits
- Imaginative
- Psychic
- Compassionate
- Romantic
Natural Element: Water 🌊
Sympathetic, Humble, Receptive, Kind
Compatibility: Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo
Healing Crystals: Lepidolite, Kunzite, Amethyst
Everyone Women should know the power she holds. I ask that you take this info and channel that inner Goddess. Allow Your life to be filled the joys of life from just understanding your true self.
Call to Action: For the next 5 days commit to mediating 3-5 mins channeling your inner goddess!!
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