- Acai Berries
This is a small berry found in the palm trees of The Amazon. Acai Palm has huge health benefits when consumed. Known as a traditional cure for diarrhea and ulcers to name a few. The berry its self is said to have the highest level of antioxidant than any edible fruit. Great for boosting the immune system, energy, and longevity.
2. Avocados
Avocados are one of the few foods in the world that offer several, I mean several health benefits. It is packed with nutrient after nutrient. Interestingly enough it is rank in the top 5 of healthiest foods on earth. Avocado is actually a fruit contrary to most belief. It also contains elements that for wound healing in life.
3. Beets
Probably the least favorite on the list we have beets. Now unlike the others beats are not packed with a huge amount of nutrients. Beets actually are very specifically linked to benefiting the mind the most. Look for clarity and a strong mind as they, eat you some beat. They are also known to help with blood pressure and improve stamina.
4. CaCao

5. Camu Camu
These small to lemon size darlings are called Camu Camu. They are packed full of vitamin c and different antioxidants. Found in Brazil and The Amazon forest these little guys are a treat. If you can find them they strengthen your immune system and are chalk full of vitamin c. Camu Camu has also been known for its mood balancing abilities, as well working as an anti-depressant.
6. Chi Seed
Chia seed is you Omega -3 fatty acid holders. They pack a punch of unsaturated fats we don't produce in our body but are good for us.Known as the running food, chia seeds are high in energy and great for endurance. One of the most interesting things about these tiny seeds is what they can do. Chia seeds are hydrophilic meaning they can soak up more than twelve times their weight in water. If your having digestion problem try some chia.
7. Coconut Water
Most people know this as the cure for hangovers but it has many other benefits as well. Meet coconut water, the juice of the coconut. In the sweet center of this lovely fruit, you will find Coconut water. Most uses for coconut water is actually hydration based. Since it is packed with tons of nutrients it packs an amazing health punch as well. If you need help combating high blood pressure or just want a healthy heart, get you some Coconut water.
8. Goji Berries
For over 2000 years the goji berry has been a staple in Chinese natural medicine. With its powerful nutrients and antixoidents goji berries help with many things. Whether you are looking for stamina, longevity, or even a disease fight goji berries could be for you. Monks and high spiritual leaders in Chinese culture have lived off rations containing goji berries. Many were known to lives hundreds of years due to their amazing diets.
9. Hemp Seed
One of my favorite on the list is hemp seed. Hemp seed is derived from the cannabis plant but no they will not get you high. These seeds are known as the most nutritious seeds in the world. They are great for digestion and weight loss. Besides the main benefits, hemp has been known to very potent and optimal for health and well being. If you're looking for an anti-inflammatory and an overall health boost throw in some hemp seeds.
10. Maca
Maca is a vegetable similar to broccoli or kale. It has been known that maca helps in reducing anxiety and depression. Interestingly enough you can use maca for skin protection as well. For men, maca can help with prostate issues as well.
11. Maqui
This South American wild berry is another small but powerful treat on our list. This tiny berry is great for diabetes and high cholesterol. The Maqui berry is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. If you are looking to just get an overall health benefit try the Maqui berry.
I hope you have found these superfoods to be very intriguing. There are tons of foods out there that will help you through your spiritual journey through life. Just implementing one will make a nice change in your overall physical and mental health.
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