75 Healing Crystal Meanings

75 Healing Crystal Meanings

Healing Crystals have tons of different uses and help us in so many ways. There is actually a crystal for everything. You can use them to help you achieve all the healing you could with western medicine. Crystals work off of your energy or vibrations. The Crystal then attuneds with your body to achieve the necessary frequency. Below you will find an extensive list of crystals and their meaning This world is changing everyday and everyone needs to learn how to heal themselves naturally and prepare for this awakening. Here are 75 Crystals for Energy Healing.
  1. ​Agate-Happiness, intelligence, fertility, health, protection of children, strength, physical energy, courage, overcoming envy, gardening, well-being
  2. Amazonite-Calm, peace, joy, attracting success, gambling luck, overcoming grief, concentration, creativity
  3. Amber-Cleansing, positive energy, wisdom, happiness, luck, strength, healing, patience, beauty, love, pleasure, protection from negativity, physical strength, self-confidence, will power
  4. Amethyst-Transmuting negative to positive, increasing spiritual awareness, calming, soothing, repelling negative vibrations, overcoming addiction, peace, love, happiness, protection, good judgment, dreams, new beginnings, stability, fertility, eloquence, common sense, compassion
  5. Ametrine-Astral travel, magickal power, meditation, removing negativity
  6. Apache Tears-Stress relief, healing emotional wounds, acceptance of and relief from grief, positive transformation, protection from negative energies and psychic attacks, grounding, cleansing, releasing energy blockages, logical thinking, spontaneity, uncovering truths.
  7. Aragonite-Meditation, balance, centering, healing, will power, patience, self-assurance
  8. AventurineCreativity, motivation, inner peace, business success, intellect, perception, soothing emotions/heartache, clarity, imagination, independence, joy, sexuality, vitality, wealth, romance
  9. Bloodstone-Healing, wealth, courage, physical strength, stress relief, help in business/legal matters, revitalization, prosperity, guidance, abundance, rain, organization
  10. Blue Lace Agate-Peace, calm, patience, happiness, warmth, gentleness, domestic harmony, tenderness
  11. Botswana Agate-Eases stress and pain of a loss, reduces anxiety, boosts mood
  12. Calcite-Luck, money, problem resolution, gambling, healing, creativity, business success, attracting love
  13. Carnelian-Joy, protection, energy, easing depression, promoting self-confidence, peace, concentration, focus, action, sexuality, lust, healing, courage
  14. Chrysocolla-Clarity, peace, patience, love, wisdom, dreams, balance, prosperity, growth, hope, intimacy, intuition, tolerance, patience, sleep, creativity, self-awareness
  15. Citrine-Sleep, luck, creativity, protection, self-esteem, magickal power, optimism, abundance, acquisition and maintenance of wealth, mental focus, endurance, clarity of thought, open mindedness, successful outcomes, career success, courage, smoothing family problems, dissipating negative energy
  16. Copper-Releasing, healing, protection, self-esteem, luck, attracting love & money
  17. Diamond-Generosity, trust, faithfulness, prosperity, love, peace, success, physical strength, will power, confidence, joy, luck
  18. Emerald-Psychic awareness, meditation, insight, tranquility, peace, sleep, healing, divination, love, friendship, protection from evil, business success, memory, recognition, faith, fertility, serenity, romance, understanding, balance
  19. Flourite-Good luck, concentration, keenness of mind, perspective, reducing emotional involvement, increasing mental power, logic, managing anger, analytical skill, intellect, truth
  20. Fuchsite-Healing, wisdom, intellect, productivity, independence, problem solving, balance in the family, equilibrium in relationships, reducing mood swings, connecting with fairies and your own inner child
  21. Gaia Stone-Prosperity, emotional healing, Goddess connection
  22. Garnet-Health, cheery disposition, self-esteem, love, business success, past life regression, consistency of love & friendship, travel protection, happiness, peace, balance, patience, inspiration, persistence, wisdom, fertility
  23. Gold-Abundance, energy, purification, love, warmth, prosperity
  24. Goldstone-Hope, protection
  25. Hematite-Concentration, memory, banishing negativity, clarity, courage, stress relief, energy, healing, divination, grounding, centering, healing, scrying, reliability, self-confidence, legal matters
  26. Herkimer Quartz-Stress relief, meditation, visualization, balancing, calming
  27. Howlite-Stress relief, anxiety, calming, tension, artistic expression, creativity, eliminating selfishness, purity, spirituality
  28. Iolite-Truth, calming, peace, psychic ability, curiosity, spiritual growth, leadership
  29. Jade-Concentration, unconditional love, concentration, fidelity, harmony, health, justice, protection, luck, beauty, energy, stress relief, perspective, wisdom, growth
  30. Jasper-Stability, healing, balancing emotions & stress
  31. Jet-Purification, psychic protection, virility, control, luck, health, divination, protection from illness & violence, guarding against nightmares
  32. Kyanite-Creativity, commitment, loyalty, meditation, communication, cleansing, loyalty, dreams, honesty
  33. Labradorite-Earth magick, faith, patience, imagination, introspection, strength, sleep, protection, stress relief, calming, divination, strengthening convictions, courage, facilitating transformation
  34. Lapis Lazuli-Courage, healing emotional wounds, compassion, courage, wisdom, strength, clarity, wisdom, fidelity, spiritual love, past life recall, divination (especially scrying, Tarot and runes), tranquility, eloquence, expressiveness, self-confidence, creativity
  35. Lepidolite-Serenity, peace, tranquility, stress relief, unity of the mind and heart, transitions, new beginnings, overcoming dependencies and addictions, objectivity, clear communication, acceptance of life's inevitable changes
  36. Lodestone-Focus, sleep, grounding; Lodestones are used to charge spell items and attract positive forces to the one using them. As natural magnets, they are often used in pairs, with one used to repel bad luck while the other is used to attract good luck. Place them upon your altar or in a gris gris or mojo bag and feed daily with lodestone food to help empower your spells and magic.
  37. Malachite-Power, success, inspiration, releasing pain/anger, concentration, travel protection, healing, sleep, inspiration, psychic visions, overcoming negativity & depression, business success, money, protection from physical danger, emotional maturity, fertility, wisdom
  38. Moldavite-Meditation, inner guidance, sympathy, compassion, clairvoyance, protection during astral travel, self-healing, channeling, communication with higher self, widening perspective
  39. Moonstone-Travel protection (especially water travel), stress relief, past life regression, luck, clarity, spiritual understanding, calming emotions, hope, opening heart to love, joy, good fortune, new beginnings, beauty, childbirth, dieting, divination, humanitarian matters
  40. Moss Agate-Friendship, gardening, healing, money, happiness, longevity, finding treasures
  41. Obsidian-Grounding, centering, divination, increasing spirituality, healing, cleansing, clarity, luck, manifestation, transformation, inner growth
  42. Onyx-Balancing, protection, faith, grounding spiritual energy to the physical plane, stability, scrying, relaxation
  43. Opal-Positive emotions, joy, aura cleansing, inner beauty, loyalty, spontaneity, clarity, healing, passion, eloquence, faithfulness, self-confidence, wisdom, spontaneity, beauty
  44. Pearl-Divination, balancing, protection, intuition, chastity, wisdom, youth, purity, serenity, truth, innocence, money, prosperity, friendship, emotional clarity, concentration
  45. Peridot-Prosperity, growth, purification, balance, intuition, compassion, cleansing, protection against nightmares, anger management, overcoming nervousness, fertility, friendship, healing, repairing relationships, reducing stress, focus
  46. Petrified Wood-Protection, longevity, past-life recall
  47. Pyrite (Fool's Gold)-Logic, clarity, memory, prosperity, will power, grounding, harmony, vitality
  48. Quartz-Healing, drawing out pain, protection from negative vibrations, meditation, psychic powers, balance, magickal strength
  49. Red Jasper-Beauty, grace, increasing mental processes, luck, easing pain of childbirth, forming barrier against dangerous whims & desires
  50. Rhodocrosite-Balancing, healing, beauty, intelligence, divine love, energy, peace, loneliness, comfort, meeting potential, self-confidence, tact, compassion, friendship
  51. Rhodonite-Assurance, understanding of cosmic purpose, understanding of new concepts & teachings, self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence, peace, happiness, laughter, joy, strength against vulnerability, harmony in relationships, enabling change
  52. Rose Quartz-Self-esteem, peace, fertility, creativity, love, compassion, beauty, fidelity, happiness
  53. Ruby-Wealth, passion, restful sleep, protection from storms & negativity, power, joy, courage, sexual energy, enthusiasm, generosity, will power, contentment
  54. Ruby in Zoisite-Protection, guarding against psychic attack, wealth, passion, restful sleep, protection from storms, warding off negativity, courage, will power, joy
  55. Rutilated Quartz-Energy, inspiration, removing negativity, clearing the chakras
  56. Sapphire-Balance, overcoming depression, self-discipline, love, meditation, peace, healing, friendship, fertility
  57. Selenite-Clearing negative energies, contacting spirit guides & angels, intuition, meditation, increased psychic abilities
  58. Seraphinite-Purification, centering, compassion, healing
  59. Serpentine-Cleansing, visualization, meditation, attracting love, drawing money/wealth, abundance, psychic power, matters involving the elderly, longevity
  60. Shiva Lingam-Made of Crypto Crystalline Quartz, said to emanate the strongest vibration of any stone on earth; represents both the male energy of knowledge & the female energy of wisdom
  61. Silver-Soothing, cleansing, psychic ability, balance, clarity, stress relief
  62. Smokey Quartz-Eases depression, calms the mind, reduces fear & panic, elevates mood, overcomes negative emotions & unhappiness, grounding, centering
  63. Snowflake Obsidian-Grounds spiritual energy to the physical plane, absorbs negativity, enhances serenity
  64. Sodalite-Alleviates fears, clears the mind, calms inner conflict, truth, stress relief, peace, harmony, wisdom, relaxation, communication, dispels guilt, merges logic and spirituality, creates emotional balance, learning, perception, creativity, insight, eliminates confusion
  65. Staurolite-Compassion, understanding, spirituality, prosperity
  66. Sugilite-Stress relief, protection, purification, healing, protection, spirituality, balancing, spiritual love, forgiveness, compassion, eloquence, fertility, friendship, growth, spirituality, awareness
  67. Sunstone-Personal power, healing, overcoming depression, health, physical energy, protection, sexual arousal, sexual energy, increasing the energy of healing herbs, success, vitality, courage, independence
  68. Tanzanite-Meditation, clairvoyance, spirituality, protection, wisdom, communication with spirit & animal guides
  69. Tiger Eye-Protects against external stresses, restores physical energy, truth, understanding, emotional balance, luck, good fortune, travel protection, communication, recognition of own faults, overcoming stubbornness, self-confidence, connection with the Earth
  70. Topaz-Emotional balance, abundance, clarity, confidence, overcoming depression, energy, focus, power, tranquility
  71. Tourmaline-Weight loss, creativity, success, prosperity, attracting love, meditation, grounding, understanding root of problems
  72. Turquoise-Friendship, meditation, emotional balance, loyalty, divination, healing, soothing, wisdom, psychic development, beauty, protection, joy, wealth, romantic love, courage, trust, victory
  73. Unakite-rotection, power, balance, healing, friendship, gardening, attracting animal guides, peace, quiet
  74. Yellow Aventurine-Creativity, manifesting money, abundance, prosperity, leadership, decisiveness, and increasing personal power
  75. Zoisite-Health, strength, enthusiasm, poise, composure

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