Herbs and Resins

Herbs and Resins

Herbs and Resins have properties similar to healing crystals. They are more then just things uses in the kitchen. For centuries native people would use herbs for everything from protection from evil spirits, to fixing the common cold. Below I have comprised a list of herbs and resins , some with metaphysical uses, and some with more practical uses. Enjoy!!

  1. Acacia-Protection, psychic and spiritual enhancement, money, platonic love, and friendship. Use to anoint candles & censers and to consecrate chests or boxes that hold ritual tools. Use in incense to promote a meditative state.Also Called: Gum Arabic, Arabic Gum
  2. Aconite-Use aconite as a magickal wash for ritual tools & space. Wear as an amulet for protection from vampires and werewolves. Note: Poisonous, do not consume.Also Called: Wolfsbane, Monkshood
  3. Acorn-Good luck, protection, wisdom, and personal power. A dried acorn is an excellent natural amulet for keeping a youthful appearance.
  4. Adam & Eve Root-Principally used by lovers; one lover carries the Eve Root & the other lover carries the Adam Root. This keeps your lover true to you & discourages rivals. Carry both roots in a small bag at all times for attraction, to bring a love to you, or for a marriage proposal.Adder's TongueStops gossip and slander, promotes healing. Sacred to serpent goddesses. Used in divination, healing magick, lunar magick, and dream magick.Also Called: Dogtooth Violet
  5. African Violet-Spirituality, protection, and healing. Wear in an amulet for protection. Keep in the home to increase spirituality. Frequently burned as incense during the spring Equinox sabbat.
  6. Agrimony - protection, jinx remover, banishes negative energies and spirits. Breaks hexes and returns them back to the sender.
    Agrimony has a long tradition where it was used to expel spirits, cause others to sleep, and even treat wounds.
  7. Alfalfa - attracts money and abundance. Place in a small jar in kitchen cabinet to ward off poverty and hunger.
    Within traditional Chinese and Hindu medicine, Alfalfa leaf is believed to aid the digestive tract.
  8. Alkanet-Purification, prosperity. Protects from snakebites and helps ease fear of snakes. Burned as an incense to replace negativity with positive influence.Also Called: Anchusa, Dyer's Bugloss, Orchanet, Spanish Bugloss
  9. Allspice - money, luck, healing.
  10. Almond-Wisdom, money, fruitfulness, and prosperity. Invokes the healing energy of the deities. Provides magickal help for overcoming dependencies & addiction. Associated with Candlemas and Beltane. Carry, wear, or use as incense to attract abundance.Also Called: Greek Nuts, Shakad
  11. Aloe-Protection and luck. Place on the grave of a loved one to promote peaceful energy. Thought to relieve loneliness and assist with success. Hang in the home to attract luck and protection for those who live there. Grow in the home to provide protection from household accidents. Burn on the night of a full moon to bring a new lover by the new moon.Also Called: Burn Plant, Medicine Plant
  12. Althea Root-Burn or place in a sachet to bring protection, calm an angry person, and aid psychic powers. Keep on the altar or burn on candles to attract good spirits.
  13. Alyssum-Protection and moderating anger, protection.AmaranthHealing, summoning spirits, healing broken hearts, protection from bullets, and invisibility.
  14. Amber-Protection from harm, outside influences, and psychic attacks. Mental clarity & focus. Transforming negative energy to positive energy.
  15. Ambergris-Enhancing dreams and psychic ventures, attracting men.
  16. Anemone-Healing and Protection
  17. Angelica - protection, exorcism, jinx remover, healing. Sprinkle the four corners of the house or around the perimeter to ward off evil. Add to the bath to remove curses, hexes and any spells cast against you.
    Lore holds that Angelica is particularly useful against curses, evil spells and spirits, and it is known as powerful healing herb.
  18. Anise-Used to help ward off the evil eye, find happiness, and stimulate psychic ability. Fill a sleep pillow with anise seed to prevent disturbing dreams. Use to invoke Mercury and Apollo. Great for aromatherapy. Use in purification baths with bay leaves. A sprig of Anise hung on the bedpost will restore lost youth. Use in protection and meditation incenses.Also Called: Aniseed, Anneys, Anise Seed
  19. Balm of Gilead - love, protection, healing and manifestations. Carry the buds to mend a broken heart, or to attract a new love. Can also be carried for protection and healing.
  20. Basil - Love, Exorcism, Wealth, Protection.
  21. Bay Laurel - Used for clairvoyance and wisdom. Placed beneath the pillow to induce prophetic dreams, also burned to cause visions. It is also a great protection and purification herb.
  22. Bay leaves- the laurels of myth and legend worn by Roman and Greek victors, and are said to be useful in creating essential oils, spells of wisdom, clairvoyance, protection and healing, and are useful in treating headaches and infections.
  23. Black Cohosh - love, protection and courage. Carry the herbs for courage.
    With medicinal uses traced back to the Native American's teachings to early settlers, Black Cohosh root is most commonly used to help treat hotflashes and menopausal symptoms.
  24. Blessed Thistle - purification, Hex-breaking.
    Blessed Thistle a potent aid in healing magic and is linked to Mars, and the sign of Aries, and the element of Fire.
  25. Buck Eyes (horse chestnut) - money, luck, healing.
    Within spiritual communities, buckeyes are best known as an aid in attracting money, good luck, and the opposite sex.
  26. Calamus (powder) - A traditional herb used to scent floor rushes and used as an incense, Calamus root is often associated with seeking out and working with your Guardian Angel.
  27. Camphor Blocks (synthetic) - Can be sniffed or placed near the bed to lessen sexual desire. Used in healing spells to prevent the contraction of colds or the flu. Also good for psychic powers and clarity of mind. Do not ingest.
    Camphor is well known for its ability to help restore spiritual vigor and renew the spirit. Some also believe it can aid with psychic abilities and prophetic dreams.
  28. Cascara Sagrada - legal matters, money, protection.
    Cascara Sagrada, or "Sacred Bark", has been used by the Native Americans of the Pacific region for hundreds of years as a medicinal laxative.
  29. Catnip - cat magick, love, beauty and happiness.
    Famed for the effect it has on cats, Catnip can also be used in magic to help bring reach a state of euphoria for trances and general well being, as well as finding a psychic bond with animals.
  30. Cedar (leaves) - protection, purification, healing and money. A piece of cedar kept in the wallet or purse draws money.
  31. Chamomile Flowers - money, sleep, meditation, love, removes curses.
    Particularly useful for those seeking good luck, Chamomile can be quite helpful when seeking love and prosperity. It also helps soothe mind and body, making it useful for meditation.
  32. Cinnamon Stick - Spirituality, Success, Healing, Psychic Powers, Lust, Protection, Love.
  33. Cinnamon Powder - Spirituality, Success, Healing, Psychic Powers, Lust, Protection, Love.
    Known as a spice, Cinnamon is also quite potent in healing magic, and spells of protection and passion. It is associated with fire and the sun, and often used for meditation.
  34. Cinquefoil (Silverweed, Five Finger Grass) - money, luck, attracts business, gamblers herb.
  35. Cloves - protection, removes negativity and stops gossip.
    Cloves are potent in rituals used for banishing negative energies and spirits, and in magic seeking to aid or begin love and friendship.
  36. Clover Flowers (Red) - money, success, protection, love and exorcism.
    Often used when seeking love or good luck, red clover can also used in blessings for pets and livestock and seeking good fortune in financial arrangements.
  37. Coltsfoot - love, peace and tranquility.
    Believed to improve luck in spells of prosperity, wealth and love Coltsfoot Leaf is also said to be a potent aid in treating coughs, colds and other such illness.
  38. Comfrey (organic) - travel safety, money, healing, uncrossing, unbinding. When carried it provides protection when traveling. Put in suitcase to ensure they are not lost or stolen.
    Useful in spells of protection and blessings for travel Comfrey Leaf has also used in treating sprains, broken bones and help sooth an upset stomach.
  39. Copal Resin - Purification and love.
    Resin incenses are the top of the line in incense burning. With the help of incense charcoals, you can release the intense fragrance of these fine resin granules -- without the dilution of a burning base or fixatives typical in man-made stick or cone incense. Copal is used in rituals of purification, consecration, making contact with the other planes, and exorcism rites.
  40. Damiana - lust, love and visions.
    Said to increase magical energy and aid in divination spells, Damiana leaf is also believed to be of use in dream magic and clairvoyance, as well as sex magic.
  41. Devil's Shoestring - employment, good luck, binding, protection, controlling.
    Devil's Shoestring, often used in powerful protective magic, is also used for spells of good luck, money drawing, invisibility and controlling.
  42. Dock (Yellow) - improves business, wealth, protection. Good for skin disorders.
    Often viewed as a powerful aid in attracting money and good luck, particularly in business, some also view Yellowdock as a great aid for love spells.
  43. Dragons's Blood (resin) - This resin from a palm tree. Love, protection and exorcism.
    Resin incenses are the top of the line in incense burning. With the help of incense charcoals, you can release the intense fragrance of these fine resin granules -- without the dilution of a burning base or fixatives typical in man-made stick or cone incense. Dragon's Blood is used for increased power, purification, protection, consecration, and the development of strong ritual energy. Dragon's Blood incense from the Dracaena draco plant.
  44. Elder Berries - protection, healing and prosperity. Prevents robbery from the home.
    Elder Berries have long been believed to be able to aid in warding off evil influences, curses, and other harmful spells.
  45. Eucalyptus - to maintain good health, healing, uncrossing and protection.
    Commonly utilized in spells involving protection or healing, Eucalyptus has a long standing in aboriginal traditions of healing wounds and treating infections.
  46. Eye Bright - mental powers, clairvoyance, and psychic powers.
    Eyebright is commonly used in spells to create changes in perception and attitude, creative visions, and improve memory.
  47. Feverfew - Carried for protection from fevers, colds and illness as well as accidents.
    Believed to possess many curative powers, Feverfew is a traditional aid in curing low spirits, nervousness, and fever.
  48. Flax Seed - money, love, healing.
    Providing abundant aid to those working spells seeking prosperity, Flax Seed is also useful in healing and protection magic.
  49. Frankincense (resin) - Purification, protection, exorcism and spirituality.
    Frankincense is one of the most valuable substances of history, used for meditation, protection, purification, and consecration by countless cultures.
  50. Galangal (Low John) - protection, court matters, uncrossing. Carried it protects and draws good luck.
    Known for aiding in spells seeking justice and victory in court, Galangal is also of use in magic that is intended to protect against hexes and curses. Mostly known as Chewing John, this plant is sometimes called Low John by southern areas and Hoodoo traditions. Low John can also be referring to Trillium Pendulum.
  51. Ginger - Love, Money, Success.
    Ginger Root has been used in folk medicine for over 2000 years, with modern science also exploring its use in treating nausea and similar such illness.
  52. Grains of Paradise - lust, luck, love, money, wishes.
    Known in African lore to be a potent aid in divination magick, Grains of Paradise seeds are often used in rituals to help determine guilt among accused parties.
  53. Hawthorne - happiness, prevents depression, fertility. Use in spells to connect with the fairy and elemental realms.
    Long held as sacred, as it was believed to be what was used to create the Crown of Thorns worn by Jesus, hawthorn now sees much use as an herbal medicine.
  54. Hibiscus Flowers - lust and love.
    Traditionally associated with love spells, particularly those attracting lust and passion, Hibiscus is also good for divination and dream magic.
  55. High John Root - carried to overcome all obstacles, court, love, money.
    High John is widely known to help overcome obstacles and achieve goals, as well as protect against negative energies and curses. It is also great for love spells, and similar magic
  56. Hyssop - purification, cleansing, uncrossing, protection. Use in bath to remove hexes.
    Said to help in spells seeking the protection of God, Hyssop is used in rituals of protection and purification as well as rituals of healing.
  57. Jasmine Flowers - love, allure, healing, money.
    Good for using in spells to attract love and prosperity, Jasmine is also used in divination, particularly that involving dream magic.
  58. Juniper Berries - Used for anti theft spells. Also may be used in love sachets.
    Quite helpful in attracting healthy energies and goodly spirits, Juniper berries are also good for spells and rituals of love and protection.
  59. Lavender Flowers - peace, love, happiness, money, uncrossing. Placed in a sachet under the pillow helps promote sleep.
    Lavender flowers are often used for spells of love and healing as well as to seek inner peace, or work spells of prosperity and protection.
  60. Lemongrass - psychic powers, cleansing, purification.
    Long used within herbal medicine, Lemongrass can be of great use in soothing nerves and troubled spirits, as well as treating cold and flu.
  61. Licorice Root - lust, love, fidelity, controlling.
    Traditionally used in Chinese medicine, Licorice Root is said to harmonize the ingredients in mixtures and has also been used in Ayrvedic medicine as an expectorant.
  62. Lovage - attracts love and makes one more attractive.
  63. Mandrake - (poisonous) - money, love, protection. Put on the altar or in your pocket mixed with coins to attract money. Also used to exorcise demons.
    A powerful herb that is used to create a Homonculus, Mandrake also aids in exorcism, spells involving spirits and increasing magical potency.
  64. Marigold Flowers (Calendula) - protection, prophetic dreams, legal matters, psychic powers.
    Since antiquity Calendula has been known as an herb that could aid in comforting the heart and mending wounded spirits.
  65. Meadowsweet - love, good fortune, opportunities, success, luck.
    A favored flower of ancient festivals and weddings, and used in offerings to the dead, Meadowsweet has strong ties to ceremonies of life and death.
  66. Mistletoe (leaves) - protection, love, fertility, health, exorcism.
    Mistletoe has long been reported to be of great aid in spells of fertility and love, as well as sacred spells of protection and producing prophetic visions.
  67. Motherwort - love, protection from all harm.
    Popular among midwives throughout the world, Motherwort earns its name by being an herb commonly prescribed to help ease the process of child birth.
  68. Mugwort - psychic inducer, protection while traveling. Burned as incense will cause psychic visions, placed under pillow promotes astral travel.
    Often used to protect against evil spirits, Mugwort is also believed to also dispel fatigue from travelers, aid in astral travel, dream magic and divination. Most stock originates from Eastern Europe.
  69. Mullien - protection from black magick, courage, purification. Carried to attract the opposite sex. Sprinkled in the home banishes evil influences.
    An ancient form of protection against black magic, curses and other negative energy, Mullein also helps keep away demons and instill courage.
  70. Myrrh (resin) - Purification, protection, healing, exorcism and sprituality.
    Myrrh is know for: Protection, purification, healing, magical potency, and its use as a sacred tool in many cultures.
  71. Mustard Seed (brown) - confuse enemies, protection.
    Primarily used as a spice in preparation of culinary dishes, mustard seed has also been known in lore as an ingredient for poultices and compresses for coughs, colds and other such irritations.
  72. Nettle - jinx removing, protection. May be carried or sprinkled around the home. Sends negativity back to the sender.
    Believed to be a powerful magical herb, offering protecting against poison and illness, Nettles are also used to remove curses and help in exorcisms.
  73. Nutmeg (ground) - Luck, Money, Health, Fideliity. Frequently used in good luck charms by those favoring games of chance, Nutmeg is known for drawing luck and money.
  74. Orange Peel - Love, Luck, Money.
    Reportedly able to aid in digestion, preventing indigestion, and lowering cholesterol Orange Peel is also a good source of vitamin C, helping to prevent cold and flu.
  75. Orris Root (powder) - love charm, marriage, spell binding root. Has long been used to find and hold love.
    Orris root has long been used in spells, rituals and charms designed to find or hold Love. The root also has associations with Feminine energy, Venus, and Water.
  76. Passion Flower - Peace, Sleep, Frienships.
    Said to aid in finding emotional balance, helping to bring peace and friendship, Passion Flower is also believed to improve the libido.
  77. Patchouli - money, love, lust, seduction.
  78. Penny Royal - purification, healing, protection, uncrossing, luck, money. Used in peace spells and is good in court or disagreements requiring a peaceful solution.
    Said to be of use for spells of purification, Pennyroyal is known for its uses in spells of protection and exorcism as well.
  79. Peppermint - healing, protection, purification, uncrossing, luck, money.
    Of potent use in creating visionary dreams and psychic ability, Peppermint is also useful in treating heartburn, colds and flu or creating a calm, restful state.
  80. Rose (red) - love, joy, pleasure, success, healing, uncrossing. Used in most love mixtures.
    Great for spells of love and happiness, Red Rose Buds and Petals are also fantastic for those who seek prosperity.
  81. Rosemary - love, joy, wealth, protection, uncrossing, a good multi purpose herb. Burn to cleanse and purify. Placed under pillow promotes peaceful sleep.
    In addition to being a popular culinary spice, Rosemary is traditionally known for increasing memory and being a powerful aid in spells of love and romance.
  82. Rue - hex removing, protection, cleansing, healing.
    Rue is a popular herb in Healing incense and poppets. It also often used to help cure or break curses and hexes in ritual baths.
  83. Sage Leaves (White) - purification.
    The preferred herb for smudging. Good for cleansing and rituals of healing and protection. Often used in blessings of prosperity as well.
  84. Saint John's Wort - health, love and happiness.
    Hung in a window of the home promises happiness and serenity.
    St. John's Wort is great for warding off against evil spirits or negative magic, and can be quite potent for exorcisms, instilling courage and divination.
  85. Sandalwood Powder (Red) - good fortune, success, abundance, joy. Used in many incense mixtures to purify the environment.
    Commonly used for rituals of purification, or as an offering to Gods and spirits, Red Sandalwood is also good for spells seeking healing and protection.
  86. Sassafras - friends, joy. Put in purse, wallet or sachet to attract money.
    Mostly viewed as an ingredient for tea, Sassafras can also be used to ease the pains of menstruation and the ache of joint issues, like rheumatism.
  87. Sea Salt - Used for purification and cleansing.
    A powerful aid in protective magic, Sea Salt is also good for cleansing and purifying crystals and scrying mirrors.

  88. Slippery Elm (powder) - stops gossip.
    Once widely used in the creation of everything from rope and twine to wagon wheels, Slipper Elm bark is now used most commonly in herbal remedies treating the digestive tract.
  89. Solomon's Seal - protection, purification. Place a little in the four corners of the home to banish all negativity.
    Believed to be potent when used in the creation of magical seals and binding spirits, Solomon's Seal Root is also used as an aphrodisiac, and in love spells.
  90. Sulfur powder (Brimstone)- banishing, exorcism.
    Sometimes associated with hell and the devil, Sulfur, or Brimstone, is actually quite good for destroying an enemy's hold on you or preventing curses and hexes.
  91. Thyme - Health, Healing, Sleep, Psychic Powers, Love, Purification, Courage.
    Sometimes used to ward off nightmares and aid in finding sleep, Thyme is also good for instilling courage and easing the spirits into the next life.
  92. Tonka Beans - prosperity, money, luck, house blessing, protection, love, wishes.
  93. Vervain - love, purification, healing, money, protection.
    A powerful aid in warding off evil spirits and vampires, Vervain is also a great aid of divination, trances, dream magic and creating love spells.
  94. Willow Bark (White) - healing, love, protection, lunar magick.
    Frequently associated with the moon or the element of water, willow bark can be good for spells and rituals of healing as well as those of binding. Used to relieve headaches.
  95. Wintergreen - protection, healing and hex-breaking.
    Wintergreen was typically used among Native Americans to treat rheumatism, fevers, sore throats and many other ailments of the common cold and flu.
  96. Witch Hazel - love healing, protection, spiritual.
    Native Americans frequently used Witch Hazel leaf brewed as a tea, to treat everything from cuts to colds, and in aiding with heavy menstruation.
  97. Woodruff - victory, protection, money, success.
    Believed to possess powers of healing for spells and rituals, Woodruff is also used as a mild sedative or in aiding the liver.
  98. Wormwood - to contact spirits, psychic powers, love.
    Most commonly of use in treating gastric pain and indigestion Wormwood is also believed to aid in reducing fevers and in treating the circulatory system.
  99. Yarrow - courage, love, psychic powers, exorcism.
    Often used in handfasting ceremonies and weddings Yarrow flower is also helpful in spells of divination or in treating wounds, colds, coughs and flu.

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