Protection for Now
-Meditation: When you are feeling overwhelmed with feelings you first need to know if it's from you or not. Close your as at that moment and repeat are these my feelings or someone else's. You have to trust your inner voice, your intuition
-Clearing or Cleansing aura: This is something I've found very affective in the moment. If I've enter a room and automatically feel someones negative energy or someone feed off mine, use this technique. Close your eyes picture a white flowing down covering your in s bubble. Allow the light to remove any negative energy that has just come your way.
Long term protection
-Smudging: Smudging is the art of purifying a room with sacred herbs to release negative energy. To smudge an area you need to get a sage bundle and abalone shell or clay shell. Sage is best lit with a match . you will move around your area dusting the air and your body with the cleansing smoke of the sage. You want to let the sage take over your body. Waft it over yourself asking the universe to cleanse and protect you and from any and all negative energy. Leave your sage to burn in the room guide the negative energy out of your home.
-Crystal protection: When it come to crystal protection you want to make sure you use crystal for protoection, not just any. Black Obsidian, hemitite, labradorite, amethyst, and charoite ate great crystals for protection and grounding. You can use your crystals in a multitude of ways and obtain the same results. One of the easiest is to keep on or around you. This is where you can incorporate metaphysical jewelry with those crystals in them. You can also buy more expensive and decorative crystals to place around the home (nodes). If your not into that you can take you regular crystals and place them around your home and at work.
-Grounding: Grounding is when you center your soul oneness and connect with the earth vibration. This is going to be more of a spiritual journey over time to help you always stay protected. First you want to keep your water intake up. Since we are mostly water when you keep our body nice and hydrated it helps strengthen our connection to mother earth. Second is your chakra balancing. Keeping your chakras in order is a big deal because with any chakra out of balance it can cause (dis-ease).
-Spells and Rituals: For the more metaphyically inclined there are spells and rituals you can perform as well. An easy way is to use a trigger word to instantly bring forth the feeling. There are also quick chants like;
To the ground, I am bound,
see my roots reaching down,
feel the weight of the stone,
one with Earth, flesh and bone.
(Source: The Book of Crystal Spells by Ember Grant)
I hope this provides you with some idea on how to block all that unwanted energy. Most of all I learned how to tell my own energy from other which really helped in shaping my gift as and who I am!!! Good luck guys you got this!!
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