For millions of years ancient cultures have been very interested in the stars. From this interest started the actual study and research of the whole universe. Studies show that certain events and things out there in the universe affect us here on earth (good and bad). This is where we get Astrology from. One thing we get from the universe are the phases of the moon. The moon goes through stages and thoses stages have different characateristics.
Manifestation is a tool used by many to see your goals, dreams, and aspirations come alive. This is something that everyone on this earth has a chance to experience. One of the scientific terms for this phenomenon is call law of attraction. The law of attraction embodies the pure essence of manifestation allowing you to think it, believe it, then have it.
When I first learned about the law of attraction I had just closed the door on a 3 year relationship that took everything. I lost myself and a lot of my possessions. I found myself sleeping on my best friends couch with a dead end job and no dreams or aspirations. For the first time as a adult I realized i had no real dreams. At that point all I knew was that I was a very sweet, kind person and that I wanted to help people. I've always said I wanted to make a difference in this world and help as many people as I can. At that time though I had no idea of how I would achieve this huge aspiration of mine. Then I was introduced to The law of Attraction through The Secret and my life changed from that moment on.
"The law of attraction is the name given to the maxim "like attracts like" which in New Thought philosophy is used to sum up the idea that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life.[1][2] This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from "pure energy", and the belief that like energy attracts like energy." -Wikipedia
The law of attraction is an actual law like the law of gravity. This whole idea is really how we as human beings excel to our next level of evolution. The law of attraction states like attracts like meaning the whatever you put in the universe you will get back. The reason why this is applicable is due to the earth and its energy field. The earth is surrounded by a magnetic field that seems to have the same characteristics of our energy bodies energy fields.
When you look at the earth your will see its magnetic energy field or as I like to call it the earths aura. You will see red,green,blue,yellow etc, which is all the colors you see when you red anything on earths energy. Everything has this energy which is where E=MC^2 from. Once you understand where are made litreally from the things that make up our great earth more things start to make since.
Have you ever heard the phrase, "what goes a round comes around", or "you reap what you sow". these are examples of the law if attraction at its greatest. The idea is to picture yourself doing, feeling, having, or achieving what ever it is your heart desires. If you wake up saying to yourself you are going to have a bad day you will have a bad day. If you see yourself as always broke you will forever be on the losing team when it comes to money and finances. So lets flip it, what is it that you want. Here are a few examples of some positive statements to help you manifest greatness in your life:
I am financially stable
I will find the my soulmate
I am a clean organized person
I will graduate with all A's
I am healthy and free from disease
I am the owner of a brand new car
Now this is not all there is to this manifestation thing. Now you have to Visualize. The last key to this is to picture your self doing or having what ever it is you want. This became real for me with my shop. I have no way how I was going to start my business and open my shop but all I knew was that it was going to happen, I was going to be a business owner. I had no start up money, and bad credit but I could see my dream so i held on to it. I started meditating and picturing my shop. I sat down one night a drew it out on a sheet of paper and put it on the wall. Everyday I woke up and saw my dream on that wall. Then it happened I found a place and it seemed to be perfect everything just keep falling into place and I was worry free. Once i finally got into my shop and got it up and running i pulled out my picture and it looked exactly like the room i was standing in and all i could do was cry. I did it i finally manifested something good for myself.
The hard thing is to understand that all things goo or bad can be manifested so remember to stay positive and only put out truly what you would like back. Start off small with things you know you can accomplish them move to bigger and bigger things. The world is your oyster, so that means no one is holding you back but you. Make a vision board or a goals list and manifest your future one step at a time, its your natural right!!
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